Agchay Dam Gallery in Khoy Town


West Azerbaijan Regional Water Organization


Mahabgods Consulting Engineers



Project Location:

West Azerbaijan- Gareziaedin

Operation Step:

Under construction

Project Subject:

Sealing of expansion joints and cracks available in structure body

Volume of work:

1Sealing of expansion joints in length of 210 m

2- Sealing of created cracks in length of 80 m

Conducted Operations are:

1-Presenting design and constructional detail for sealing of cracks and expansion joints

2- Discharging of joints, removing of plast foam and any kind of superfluous materials involved, in depth of 15 cm

3- Drilling, putting packer in both sides of joints and injection of one component resins like AQUAFIN-P1 and Carbo Stop-U inside joints for primary sealing

4-Application of backing rod for foundation work and creating of predicted depth in design inside joints

5- Application of AQUAFIN CJ13 hydrophilic water stop tape

6- Application of second backing rod

7- Application of Poly Urethane sealing mastic (PU 1000)

8-Drilling, second putting packer in both sides of joints and injection of AQUAFIN-P4 resin and Carbo Crack Seal NV for permanent sealing and prevention of trivial leakages

Consumed material:

1- Hydrophilic water stop of AQUAFIN CJ13, in length of 210 m

2- AQUAFIN-P1resin and Carbo Stop-U, in amount of 250 kg

3- AQUAFIN-P4 resin and Carbo Crack Seal NV, in amount of 125 kg

4- Injection packer in diameter of Φ10 mm, in number of 2150

5- Using of Poly Urethane mastic (PU-1000), in amount of 1300 kg

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